April 2016 – Dividends



April 2016 dividends are in so it’s time to share my progress.  April was a lackluster month but I still brought in $5 more than last year.  This April I brought in $25.17 which brings my annual total so far to $150.88.  Here’s a breakdown of my April dividends.

Symbol Dividend
KO $4.46
NKE $0.04
KHC $1.32
WMT $1.45
Symbol Dividend
KHC $6.69
PM $5.48
MORL 5.73

TOTAL: $25.17


Looking ahead at May, I’m expecting another quiet month.  Things will jump up again in June though.  Thanks for stopping by!

12 thoughts on “April 2016 – Dividends

  1. Slowly but surely your portfolio is making progress. Bottom line, you have real deal companies paying you which only stacks the deck in your favor long term. Keep sticking with the quality stocks and continue to watch your passive income grow bit by bit.


  2. That’s a pretty good month. I’m hoping to have one this big before the end of the year. We shared KO and WMT. I like Loyal3 because of the lack of fees and the ability to buy as little as $10 at a time.


    • You’ll get there soon. It took me a while but if continue to add what you can it builds up. I love Loyal3 but I wish they had a Roth IRA option. I’ve been using it for my kids so they can buy shares with their allowance once they have $10 saved.


  3. Solid month, we also received dividend income from KO, PG, and WMT. Gotta love getting paid for doing absolutely nothing. Keep up the great work.


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